Friday, October 19, 2012

Political doomsday? It’s time to react

I was seriously thinking of not taking political subjects to blog on… Lokpal, corruption, fast of some baba... Blah... Blaa…  Now I can’t be inert over the whole political turmoil created by ruling party.  Oh Yes, forgot to mention my faith in current Government. Though, my faith for the party was due to lack of strong alternative. 
Corruption charges with proof, one after another.  The party is getting exposed at all fronts and in almost all geographies.  I can bet, even Mr. Soft can manage better than glorified squad of economists, educationists, lawyers and what not.  In my eyes they are an underestimated Gang of Hastinapur (Ancient Name of Delhi). Ben Ji (Didi) got it right to get off board of a sinking ship, while Mr. Soft is waiting and watching being at fence. It is important to mention that Madam Ji had great expectation from rebellion Nitish. Off late he also, declared that his alliance with BJP is intact. You know it well… how difficult it is to ride on TN Tiger/Tigresses.  
None the less, we had great expectation from media which is yet in its adolescence stage. Media is considered to be 4th pillar of democracy. Strength of that pillar is in question especially after release of sting operation carried out by domestic steel tycoon on Zee TV Senior Officer Mr. Sudhir Chaudhary.  As per the sting operation Mr. Sudhir is alleged of extracting Rs. 100 Crs. as advertising commitment in exchange of dropping reports on alleged irregular allocations of coal blocks.   
The bigger question today is to trust whom? It is more like picking the least corrupt from the list of corrupted. But the person with least corrupt status is an outcome of lack of opportunity to be the most corrupt. In such scenario Media and apt usage of right to information will play an important role. A fair media which is just not only bothered about TRP and advertisement commitment but brings fair and logical discussion is imperative today. I am scared, if people will get accustomed to live in doomsday. Then, scams, weak law and order situation, widening economic/social gaps will not be subject of discussion. And so, we all will be nurturing an apathetic society.  I wish, am wrong with my interpretations of the subject.