Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Brand Manager within you..

As a marketeers we all would agree that brand management is a complex process, a real blend of an art and science. We intend to complicate it further by putting across marketing jargon to prove our worth. If we intervene/question the consumer inside us, it gives the real perspective of brand preference and its subsequent role in our life. If we understand an individual as a product, we realise how much care we do to create our image (Brand image). If we do a careful observation of our day to day activities, we realise it helps to create a self identity (Brand Identity). When we get feedback from others, we realise our perceived value. Believe me this entire process is a set of sub-conscious actions. Putting all behavioural aspects in perspective we get certain attributes which defines our brand personality. These set of attributes are different for different individuals very subjective to external and internal factors. External factors could be Religion, ethnicity, society, political and climatically. Internal factors may be upbringing, physical, mental, Social status, education, economic status, age, profession and gender. It could be many more.

Brands similarly are live and have attributes by virtue of which It carries a personality. Let us look at our expectations out of the self brand management process. We certainly expect to have a positive disposition of others about us. We want to differentiate our self from the mass thereby creating a self identity. A brand necessarily will have an emotional appeal to hook the consumers in. As a brand we hook in to somebody who fits into our scheme of things. We as brand connect to some other brand (individual/product) who share the similar attributes or at least complements each other. This where the role of a brand comes into the picture. Imagine a situation you went to a mall to buy a toothpaste, you had an option of all the best brands to buy. But, you ended up buying the brand X but not the Y. As a human we try to act smart and give rational reason always when asked. But, while doing that we cheat our self. I do not have a syndicated data to support with but out 10 buying at least 7 does not have rational while preferring a brand. What we bought unconsciously is the trust of a brand or at least the brand whose imagery intersect with our self imagery.

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