Friday, October 19, 2012

Political doomsday? It’s time to react

I was seriously thinking of not taking political subjects to blog on… Lokpal, corruption, fast of some baba... Blah... Blaa…  Now I can’t be inert over the whole political turmoil created by ruling party.  Oh Yes, forgot to mention my faith in current Government. Though, my faith for the party was due to lack of strong alternative. 
Corruption charges with proof, one after another.  The party is getting exposed at all fronts and in almost all geographies.  I can bet, even Mr. Soft can manage better than glorified squad of economists, educationists, lawyers and what not.  In my eyes they are an underestimated Gang of Hastinapur (Ancient Name of Delhi). Ben Ji (Didi) got it right to get off board of a sinking ship, while Mr. Soft is waiting and watching being at fence. It is important to mention that Madam Ji had great expectation from rebellion Nitish. Off late he also, declared that his alliance with BJP is intact. You know it well… how difficult it is to ride on TN Tiger/Tigresses.  
None the less, we had great expectation from media which is yet in its adolescence stage. Media is considered to be 4th pillar of democracy. Strength of that pillar is in question especially after release of sting operation carried out by domestic steel tycoon on Zee TV Senior Officer Mr. Sudhir Chaudhary.  As per the sting operation Mr. Sudhir is alleged of extracting Rs. 100 Crs. as advertising commitment in exchange of dropping reports on alleged irregular allocations of coal blocks.   
The bigger question today is to trust whom? It is more like picking the least corrupt from the list of corrupted. But the person with least corrupt status is an outcome of lack of opportunity to be the most corrupt. In such scenario Media and apt usage of right to information will play an important role. A fair media which is just not only bothered about TRP and advertisement commitment but brings fair and logical discussion is imperative today. I am scared, if people will get accustomed to live in doomsday. Then, scams, weak law and order situation, widening economic/social gaps will not be subject of discussion. And so, we all will be nurturing an apathetic society.  I wish, am wrong with my interpretations of the subject.

Friday, February 24, 2012

अर्थकारी च विद्या

There is phrase - "when in Rome, do as Romans". We are talking about International standard of education in country where guys from the super schools (Read international curriculum) will have to perform & compete in India with a per capita income of Rs. 56K per annum. Our country is ranked 134th in human development Index (Not to undermine). The challenges will be not only of economics but humanities. We should not follow the system which suits respective countries. We shall emphasise on a system which suits our requirements.

I was under impression that Indian kids are better performing than their counterparts worldwide. I was in myth till I came across a release in TOI, few days back. As per the article, Fifteen-year-old Indians who were put, for the first time, on a global stage stood second to last, only beating Kyrgyzstan when tested on their reading, math and science abilities. India ranked second last among the 73 countries that participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), conducted annually to evaluate education systems worldwide by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) Secretariat.

Though I do not believe too much in all these survey but it is important to build capabilities and competencies to cope with the challenges which Future India will throw on our Kids. This where so called international system might be less effective..

When I was kid, I was not allowed to play much. My music classes were not appreciated. I got a bicycle when I reached my class 8. I used to curse my parents. Today, I thank my parents including my lovable cha-cha for being so strict to me. Whatever small or big I am, it is due to that treatment. I am not justifying them. But, I have a strong logic for that. My parents were aware of the fact that, they may not be able to support my hobby, which might not earn money to support the family. My family was a system, where education was an investment. They had to follow economics as they had no choice with their limited earning.

Today when I am parent, the challenges are different and so the point of view. We wish to have 360* development of our child. No harm whishing but, sounds more like a management jargon with less scope of practicality. Today I am open to accept the choice of my kid and support her to opt her profession. But still I believe that the core of any form of education or profession still lies in its ability to make the student economically independent.

My grandfather used to tell me this Famous quote from Chankya’s Arthshashtra “Arthkari cha Vidya” (Vidya Wahi hai jo dhan uparjan kar sake)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

How Intolent is the tolerent India?

Indians are known for tolerance and non violence. It’s never considered as a weak notion but has been seen as the strongest adjective to describe India. It is land of Caucasian, mideterian, Mongolian and many others.. It is land of Aryans, Dravidians and ethnic tribes. Land of Hindus, Jains, Buddhist, Muslims, Christens and Sikhs. The soil and water has potency to adopt the diversity and nourish all the cultures to co-exist and sometimes mingle. We are known for our strong logical thinking. We have accepted critics and welcome critics with great maturity.

I am an Indian with modern outlook yet very possessive about its culture and heritage. It hurts me when I see we are deviating from the core and trying to redefine the adjectives of our definition. We show anger, frustration and intolerant attitude about pettiest of things. We allowed the mock of the strongest democracy (So called by sheer number but not the quality). We cannot manage an outraged pressure group. The recent Selman Rushdie episode has hit the right of voice/opinion in India. How different we are from China or any other hardliners. Literature has been the strongest weapon for an intellectual, we cannot deprive him of. I was reading TOI today, where, editor has blamed congress for not able to address the issue with great ability. I humbly disagree with you gentlemen. Its not the political party but the people are responsible. If congress act against the sentiment/pseudo protest of a particular group, the other political parties will in cash it. Why can’t all political parties have a consensus in dealing affairs with such stature?

Some of us throw shoes/ink/slap and Few of us pat shoulder of such a timid coward individual who try to act Bhagat Singh and Raj guru. We are not in our senses. Violence and intolerance in any form shall be condemned in civil society. Imagine we all start claiming ourselves as competent authority to punish, deliver justice.. What will be the situation of law and order in the country? Any person of that repute is equally good or bad in some or others perspective. It is not about RG, RD, SP or any ABCD.. If we as a Nobel citizen start supporting these kind of acts, the victim could be anybody. The result could be slapping a rikshawala.. Slapping a person who overtakes u.. Slapping an elderly govt.  babu  for some or other mistakes.. Youth are more vulnerable to follow such aggressive stance.

Being intolerant will not bring accountability in the system. It has to do a lot more with socio-economic equation of a civilized society and practicing moral science which we use to study when we were kids. Before a follower of any religion we all are human. An ethnic tribe of santhal pargana has equal stake in the country.

Dilemma of UP voters

Young Indians are going above of caste, creed and religion. We have seen progressive attitude of voters in state elections of Bihar, MP, TN & WB. But UP has unique problem.. They have to opt best amongst all the worst. Leaders with no vision for its people always lead to anarchy. Till 1960 up was one of the developed states of India. You all know the status of the state today.. We all know that NOIDA/Ghaziabad can fetch revenue for the state which could turn UP around. But who wants to develop UP? I am clueless which coalition will work better.. Let us hope for the best. Here i go with an analysis of paralyzed political scenario of UP:

Voters along with political parties have accepted the fact that results will be chaotic with no clear motion to party X or Y. I could see congress and BJP not in the race to form government but to support either SP or BSP. Congress doesn’t have any strong face in UP for the post of CM and BJP is no different with absence of strong local public figure. SP has to do a lot to shade away its goon typical perception. With projection of Mr. Akhilesh as gen x party is repositioning as a progressive and adoptive party. But still going by its proven theorem of MY factor.. BSP worked for development but in autocratic way, which back fired her. BSP is a clear no for intellectual class.

Outsourced leaders of other state are not helping BJP workers to connect at grass route level. What is working for them is the support of service and business class that too when congress is thrashed at center for Lokpal and black money and scam fiasco. Lack of strong Brahmin leadership will not be able to connect with orthodox Brahmin lobby. Brahmins votes are not going to one particular parties, so the parties are actually not bothered about them..  However, BJP is trying to get anti-incumbency vote against congress desperate move to lure Muslim vote. But lord Ram alone will not help the party. The agenda is done till death.. Riding on intellectual class may not work. This class do not form herd and are always divided on their own individual opinions. I could see BJP could be the biggest loser in UP poll.

BJP and its sophisticated political moves doesn't go down the gut of rural India.. Rather our rural counterpart don want to understand it.. What bothers them is caste, creed, diesel price.. Fertilizer, electricity.. food prices (gone up) an average farmer in rural India is happier than ever. Congress holds master degree of that lingo.. BJP is still an under graduate scholar of rural lingo.. They have yet not learnt from their failure of India shining campaign.. Only ad agency benefited out of the campaign.. RG has taken UP poll on his heart; I rate him as one of the passionate politicians going all out to establish his credential. With all top Brahmin leaders campaigning in UP. Brahmins may shelter to their old and trusted party. At the same time the orthodox clad of the Brahmins may still not come to congress for their pro Muslim moves. I still believe that congress posses political maturity to manage secular equilibrium. Congress will gain in UP election but will not be able to make its CM in states. However my vote goes to congress.

I wish all the best to UP voters.. I wish democracy wins.